A way of life for people with special needs.
Our homes forms a nuclear unit consisting of trained staff and their families, short-term staff (one year), and developmentally disabled residents.
Each home is the base for our residents. It provides warmth, security, and daily a rhythm around meals, routine tasks, and recreational activities. Our homes celebrate special events, birthdays, festivals, and other activities together.
Care is continuous at Four Winds and there are no shift changes. Living together does not constitute a job so much as a way of life.
Each home plays a key role in providing stability in human relationships and engendering a warm, positive, and well-structured environment.
Rooms are pleasant and well cared for and are an integral part of each home. Each resident may have one roommate and a "dormitory parent", or a primary person assisting them, who is responsible for the ongoing care and supervision of that resident's personal needs. Each resident benefits from an individualized program which includes appropriate experiences for both chronological age and ability.
The aim of the our program is to enhance and actualize each resident's potential for growth and raise their abilities to their fullest positive expression.
As a result of the favorable resident /staff ratio, all residents receive individualized instruction and supervision with the emphasis on social, artistic, and practical training.