Please find below some biographical information on each member of the Four Winds Community Board of Directors
Ben Day is a native New Englander. He grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, lived in
Southern New England (New York City) where he received a B.S.
(Psychology) and M.L.S degrees from Columbia University.
He is currently living in Amherst, New Hampshire, and writes User Guides for robots at iRobot Corporation (do you have a Roomba yet?). Additionally Ben has a Photography and Video Production business.
His wife, Roseann, is an e-Security consultant for major businesses and government agencies. Their daughter, Marnie, works in Portland, OR for the LA Times. (She tried to quit when she left LA but they wouldn't let her!) Their son, Matt, designs computer games for Obsidian Entertainment in LA.
Ben has been a member of the Four Winds Community Board of Directors since 1998. He also is currently the Secretary of the Board.
Four Winds Community director Richard M. Roy, DDS, began the practice of dentistry in Wilton, New Hampshire, in 1983. He has a private practice in Wilton and is also a staff member at Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, where he provides dental services with general anesthesia in the day-care unit.
Dr. Roy holds a degree in biology and chemistry from the University of New Hampshire system and a doctorate in dental surgery from Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is an alumnus of The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education and a member of the American Dental Association, the New Hampshire Dental Society, and The Association of Special Care in Dentistry.
Dr. Roy was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, and is a lifelong resident of the state. In 1953, his family moved to Wilton, where his father practiced dentistry until his death in 1996. By 2008, Dr. Roy and his father together had provided 55 years of continuous dental care in Wilton.
Dr. Roy is married to Carolyn (Hogg) Roy. Mrs. Roy, a registered nurse on the staff of Monadnock Community Hospital, is a graduate of High Mowing School (the oldest Waldorf high school in North America) and Cheshire Hospital School of Nursing. According to her husband, she is “a compassionate nurse and talented artist.”
The Roys have four children and live in Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, where they tend a small farm. The Roys grow apples, peaches, asparagus, strawberries, and other garden vegetables and flowers (and are planning to start a cranberry bed); seasonally, they make cider and maple syrup. They keep bees for pollination and honey. At intervals throughout the year, they like to retreat to Matinicus Island, Maine, a small fishing village 22 miles off the coast of Rockland, Maine, “where time means nothing.”
Dr. Roy has served on the board of Four Winds Community since November 2006 and says, “I am inspired by Astrid and Paul’s vision at Four Winds. The quality of care, dedication, hard work, and commitment to the painful details and responsibility of managing their community are unsurpassed by any similar residential programs I have ever worked with.”
Astrid Martin is a founding volunteer director, serving since 1993.
She grew up in an Anthroposophical family, attended Anthroposophical Waldorf schools, and has worked with developmentally disabled children and adults in Anthroposophical organizations since 1989, when she was accepted into the Camphill Curative Education Seminar as a resident coworker and Curative Education student at Camphill Special School-Beaver Run in Glenmoore, PA.
In addition, before co-founding Four Winds Community, she was a houseparent at Lyris, Inc., an Anthroposophical lifesharing community in Greenfield, NH. She holds certificates from the 2- year Camphill Youth Guidance Seminar at Camphill Soltane in Glenmoore, PA, and the 3-year Kate Roth Seminar, an international Camphill Course for Homemakers based on the Seven Life Processes.
Paul Martin is a founding volunteer director, serving since 1993.
He has served as a director of the Temple-Wilton Community Farm, an Anthroposophical Biodynamic Farming organization in Wilton, NH, and is a current director and officer of Tobias Community, an Anthroposophical lifesharing community in Temple, NH. Mr. Martin has worked with developmentally disabled children and adults in Anthroposophical organizations since 1987, when he served as a volunteer coworker at Camphill Community Glencraig in Holywood, Co. Down, N. Ireland.
In addition, before co-founding Four Winds Community, he was a resident coworker and Curative Education student at Camphill Special School in Glenmoore, PA, and a houseparent at Lyris, Inc., an Anthroposophical lifesharing community in Greenfield, NH. He holds certificates from the 2-year Camphill Curative Education Seminar at Camphill Special School and the 2-year Camphill Curative Education Seminar at Camphill Soltane, both in Glenmoore, PA. Mr. Martin is Four Winds Community’s president.
He is also a member of the Town of Temple Capital Improvements Program Committee and is a presenter for the Horse Power Instructor Training School.
Manfred Maier is a founding volunteer director, serving since 1993.
An Anthroposophical curative educator, he is a science teacher and board member of Camphill Special School in Glenmoore, PA, where he is a member of the core faculty of the Camphill School of Curative Education.
1938 born in Hamburg, Germany. Waldorfschool Munich. Study of chem and related physics at community college. Employment: Nuclear reactor station at the Technical University Munich. 1964 marriage.1966 immigration to Canada. 1969 move to Camphill Special School - Beraver Run. 1972 Diploma in Curative Education. Teacher for upper grades, mainly gardening and forestry work. Houseparentship.1990 BS in special ed.Pa certified teacher. Since 2000 sience teacher was also part time at local Waldorf School for grades 9 and 10. Boardmember: for the last 33 years at BR, from the beginning of 4 Winds. Past boardmember: Camphill Nottawassaga, Camphill Foundation, Camphill Association, R.Steiner Foundation and the Anthroposophical Council of North America.Memberships: Anthroposophical Society, Social Science and Art Sections. Colored Shadow Therapy since 75.
He also served 9 years on the board of the Rudolf Steiner Foundation.
Mr. Maier is Four Winds Community’s chairperson.
Lydia Schulze is a volunteer director, serving since 2002.
She is the parent of a Four Winds Community resident and is also secretary of the board of Camphill Special School in Glenmoore, PA. Mrs. Schulze is the bookkeeper at the for-profit NJ Feed Labs, Inc.
She is Four Winds Community’s treasurer.
- Aug. 29, 1947 - born in American occupied zone of Germany. Parents are Ukrainian displaced persons.
- 1950 - came to US under UN auspices (UN was honest organization then, not full of corrupt liberal commie pinkos)
- grew up in NY state (about 2 hrs north of New York City (which was at that time not full of liberal commie Black Panther loving pinkos) which has a topography very similar to the Temple, Wilton area.
- went to college at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY where I was in the last all girl graduating class - 1969
- married Carl W. Schulze who graduated from Princeton University 1971
- bought family business from Carl's father. 1971 The New Jersey Feed Lab performs quality control analyses on animal feed stuffs - very important in today's "organic or not" climate.
- My 2 children are the most miraculous and wonderful gifts life has given me and my husband. Our daughter, Anastasia was born on the same day as the Boston Marathon in 1977 causing her father to drop out of the race. She is in the last year of law school
- had Peter in 1980 and began the greatest adventure of our lives. Peter began Beaver Run in 1993. He graduated in 2000 and started at Four Winds Community in the fall of that year. No words are adequate to describe how much Four Winds has meant to Peter's life as well as to his family.
- hobbies are cinema, especially foreign movies. Also I am an avid collector of vintage rhinestone pins and thanksgiving postcards. I also have every issue of Martha Stewart Living (including the first) which, according to my husband, you would never guess from visiting my house.
-After a 6 month renovation of our kitchen, my life should be perfect.
-To be serious, Carl, Anastasia, and I are blessed to have had Peter accepted at Four Winds Community. Anything we can do to strengthen the people, the physical plant, and especially the spirit we will undertake with all our energy.